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Table of Contents


The Management page is designed for the administration functionality of WireQuery. It consists of three Tabs and an "Actions" button:

  • Users
  • User Roles
  • Statistics


In the Users tab, you will see a list of all the users in the Application. You can add a User by clicking on the Action button and "Add New User", and fill in the form. Each user can have zero or more Role(s) assigned to them. What a role entails, will be discussed in the next section.

By clicking on the Filter icon, you can search through the users. By clicking on the name of a user, you can edit a user (e.g. disable him / her or change his/her roles). By clicking on the Garbage bin next to a user, you can delete a user.

User Roles

In the User Roles tab, you will see a list of all the User Roles. For example, by default, there is already a role called "Administrator", which has all authorisations. You can add a User Role by clicking on the Action button and "Add New Role", and fill in the form. The authorisations should be self-explanatory (e.g. "Query" means "allow the user to query", etc.)

By clicking on the name of a Role in the overview, you can edit that Role (e.g. add or remove authorisations). By clicking on the Garbage bin next to a User Role, you can delete that role.


Finally, there is a "Statistics" tab. This will show you how the system is used. E.g. how many log ins there were, how many Query Log Events, etc.

You can fill in a date range by clicking "From" and "To, exclusive", or you can select one of the presets above ("Last Month", etc.).

In the final Features Chapter, you will learn more about the Settings page.