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Writing Queries

Queries are an important part of WireQuery. Using queries, you can capture certain data from requests and not capture other data. Or you can transform and aggregate the data to meet your specific needs.

Queries consist of three parts:

  • Query Head
  • Stream Operations
  • Aggregation Operation

For example:

order-service POST 2xx /orders | filter it.responseBody.totalAmount > 100 | map it.responseBody.totalAmount

Query Head

A query always starts with the head. The head contains high-over information about what needs to be captured.

The query head first starts with the name of the application, followed by zero or more additional parts:

  • Method: the method of the request, e.g. GET
  • Path: the path of the request including path variables that can be extracted for later use, e.g. /users/{id}
  • Status Code: the status code of the request with wild cards specified by an 'x', e.g. 2xx

These parts can be in any order, e.g.:

  • GET 2xx /users/{id}
  • 302 POST
  • /users/{id}

Stream Operations

The result of the head can be piped using zero or more |-operators, and be picked up by "stream operators".

There are three stream operators:

  • map: for each input, apply the provided transformation
  • flatMap: for each input, apply the provided transformation and flatten the result
  • filter: keep the input if and only if the result is true

Each stream operator has access to two variables:

  • context: the initially provided input
  • it: the result of the previous pipe operation (for the first operator, context and it are the same)

The context (and initially it) consists of the following variables:

  • method
  • statusCode
  • path
  • queryParameters
  • requestBody
  • requestHeaders
  • responseBody
  • responseHeaders
  • extensions

All stream operations are followed by an expression. These expressions are based on Google CEL. More information about how to write Google CEL expressions can be found here.

Aggregation Operation

Finally, queries may specify an aggregation operation as the last stream operation of a query. Currently, there is only one aggregation operation:

  • distinct: return values that have not been returned before

For example:

user-service GET 2xx /users | flatMap it.map(user, user.authorisations) | distinct

Will return the unique authorisations of users when retrieved using GET 2xx /users.