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In order to initiate a session, you need to create a template.

New Template

By clicking the New button, you can create a new Template. Here:

  • "Name" is the name of the Template.
  • "Description" is the description of the Template.
  • "Name Template" is the name template of the session, where parts of the text is substituted using substitution parameters as discussed below.
  • "Description Template" is the description template of the session, where parts of the text is substituted using substitution parameters as discussed below.
  • You can add and remove fields by pressing the "Add field". Move them by dragging them up or down and remove them by dragging them out of the modal view. Each field requires a Label, a Key and a Type. The Key corresponds to the substition parameter name in the template, which we will discuss below.
  • "Allow User Initiation" determines whether or not the template can be instantiated by a user outside of WireQuery, such as a customer, through the WireQuery recording API, in combination with a Frontend Recording. Learn more about how to set up Frontend Recordings in the JavaScript Browser SDK.

Name and Description Templates can have zero or more Handlebars-like substition parameters, where the name of the substitution parameter corresponds to the key of a field. For example, one could add a field called "Account Id", with the key "accountId" and type "Text", so that the Name template:

Debug Session for Account Id {"{{accountId}}"}

Will be turned into

Debug Session for Account Id "123"

For account id 123.

Note that when using substitution parameters, no spaces are allowed between {{ and }}.

The different types that a field can have are:

  • Text
  • TextArea
  • Integer Number
  • Floating Point Number
  • Boolean

Finally, press "Save" to create a Template. You can only add Queries when the template is created.


By clicking on the Filter icon on top, you can search through the different templates. Simply fill in the fields and click Close to show the filtered results.


You can delete a Template by clicking on the Garbage Bin icon on the right side of a Template. Simply confirm your action and the template will be deleted.


By clicking on a Template, you can see its details. You can edit the Template by clicking on "Actions" and then "Edit".

The Details page consists of two tabs:

  • Queries
  • Details


The Queries tab consists of the queries of the Template. You can add a Query by clicking on the "Actions" button and then "Add Query".

Add Query

A Query Template consists of a "Name Template". Similar to the Name Template of the Template itself, it can be substituted by the provided fields. The same goes for "Query Template".

When a Template is instantiated, the "Name Template" will become the Stored Query's name, and the "Query Template" will become the Stored Query's query; after substitution.

Similar to Stored Queries, the Query Template can either be a Query of Query with Tracing, where Query with Tracing will enable Extended Tracing the entire request using its Trace Id.

Finally, there is a Query Limit field to make sure that queries are only captured until the specified limit is reached.

Remove Query

Next to each Query Template, there is a Garbage Bin icon to remove a Query Template.


The Details tab contains information about the Template, such as the fields, name template, description template and whether the Template can be initiated outside of WireQuery.

Learn more about Applications in the next page.